4 Ways to Build Your Freelancing Pipeline

With FG CEO Fleur Madden

Grow/Work /
Freelancer sales pipeline

Did you win any new business sitting behind your desk today?

In our first Mastermind Mentoring Program cohort, we’ve spent a lot of time discussing strategies to build your sales pipeline as a freelancer or consultant – how to get that next job, next contract, or next gig.

With 20 years of business under her belt, there are a fair few things FG CEO Fleur Madden knows to be true. One specifically is that you do not win new business sitting behind your desk.

So, with that truth in mind, what are you doing to get yourself and your services out there?

Here are four suggestions to build your freelancer sale pipeline:

1. Seek out new job opportunities

Have you thrown your hat in the ring for a job lately? As women, we often don’t apply unless we meet at least 90% of the job description, while males apply when they only meet 60%. Set the imposter syndrome to the side, and step forward into the spotlight, putting your hand up for a new project.

2. Join industry associations

Is there an association for your specific field that you should join to broaden your reach in your industry? It might be specific to the services you provide, like Women in Media, or specific to the industry you service, like Women in Safety. There are loads of associations out there and you’ll surely find one that suits you. But if you don’t, maybe that’s a gap in the market that you can fill.

3. Network, Network, Network

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, so much business is done through connections and recommendations. The broader your network, the more opportunities that are likely to come your way off the back of a referral or introduction.

You need to prioritise going to networking events – are there any in your local area or any networking groups specific to your niche? Come to our coffee catch-ups and co-working days, or virtual networking events to start building your business network.

Can you set yourself a goal to book one networking event into your diary every month consistently? Start there and then work up to a fortnightly or weekly networking opportunity.

4. Reigniting old business flames

Are there old business connections where you know you have added value and can bring something new to the table for them now?  Reach back out to them. Connect with them via LinkedIn, send an email, and make time to catch up for a Zoom or coffee next month.

Start prioritising how you can grow your network and build your freelancer sales pipeline with these suggestions.

If you want to take more direct action in building your pipeline and need some help, let’s chat. Pop your business details into this quick form HERE> to get started.

Freelancer sales pipeline - mastermind mentoring program