Members: How to get the most out of the A1 Job Matching Feature

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We’ve been busy in the background over the past few months building some exciting new AI-driven technology that will deliver immediate, automatic job matches for you. The more information you share about your services, the stronger your job matches will be, so we’ve added loads more fields to your Gem Profile for you to better showcase your skills.

You can now share your:
💎 Business pitch (this was your bio section)
💎 Career highlights, work history and examples of work (as links or docs, and the Jobs Matching Tool prefers a document)
💎 Social media links
💎 Dream client or project
💎 Top 5 career values
💎 Your portfolio as a link or document (the Job Matching Tool prefers a document)

All to add to your existing fields including position title, contact details, location, services, industry, payment preferences, and favourite quote.





We’re so excited to launch this new feature for you and to ensure you get the most out of it, here’s the How To:



Select the industry which best speaks to your ideal client.



Previously named your bio, this is now your business pitch (think: elevator pitch). This is your chance to spark interest with talent-seekers and introduce them to your core service offering. This is the space for your most impactful, succinct messaging designed to convert.


Give your profile a boost by showcasing your experience, work history and career highlights.


Here you can upload additional portfolio work as Files or Links.




Improve your chances of matching with like-minded clients by detailing what projects bring you joy.



Improve your chances of matching with like-minded clients by selecting up to five career values, with over 50 to choose from.



Your portfolio can be uploaded as Files or Links. The Job Matching feature is able to read a document and use the data in finding better matches, so we recommend uploading a document where possible.


You can list your social connections on your profile. You may choose to use the ‘Other’ social connection as a link to an appointment scheduler.




Complete your diversity section – while this isn’t visible on your public profile, we’re collecting this data to better support women in minority groups and enable employers to do the same.