Bringing an intuitive approach to business with Sarah Ripper

Gem Nation /

Join us to learn how to take an intuitive approach to business with Sarah Ripper.

This 30-minute session will dive deep into how we can listen and connect more deeply with our hearts and true nature in business. Sarah will explore some simple ways to identify and strengthen the communication with your intuition and find out how and why this applies to your business.

Sarah is a skilled energy worker and intuitive. She’s a social animator working at the intersection of the arts, community development, education, spirituality and business.

She works with heart-centred groups & individuals who are ready for both grounded & multidimensional guidance to expand into deeper soul embodiment, inner trust & energetic alignment in their work & lives.

She’s trained extensively in various healing modalities over the past 10+ years and brings energy work together with spiritual knowledge, intuitive insight and practical coaching to meet what is arising to be cleared, explored or visioned up for each soul.

Join us for this free member-only masterclass with FG member and intuitive coach, Sarah Ripper.

Event details

When: Thursday, 25 November, 12PM EAST
Where: Online via Crowdcast (we’ll send you the access link closer to the event date)
Cost: Free member-only event

Don’t miss our next event, FG Virtual Christmas Drinks.