Meet Rachel, a Virtual Business Manager

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Rachel - Virtual business manager

Meet Rachel, a highly skilled virtual business manager, sales specialist, customer service ninja and above all, a joyful tamer of chaos. She has a mission to help heart-centered businesses find their rhythm and thrive in an ever-changing business landscape.

Whether you’ve just started out and are finding your feet while trying to get your business off the ground, or you’ve been running a business for a few years but are chasing your tail trying to manage the daily grind, Rachel is here to tame the chaos and free up your time.

Let’s get to know more about Rachel’s freelancing journey in our Q+A:

1.       Tell us a little about yourself and your business?

My name is Rachel Caradine and I’m a Virtual Business Manager working mostly with heart-centred and e-commerce businesses managing their sales and client relationships as well as coordinating the back end of their business (getting paid, scheduling, growing teams and writing killer sales copy) allowing them to focus on scaling their businesses.  I’m based in freezing cold Melbourne and have been in business for 9+ years honing my skills and building a loyal and long-term client base that includes global businesses in the beauty and wellbeing space. Selling floods my brain with dopamine and I’m passionate about building and nurturing relationships.

2.       What inspired you to make the leap and go out on your own, and when did you first start working for yourself?

I made the big leap of starting my business back in 2013. Needing flexibility with where and how I worked while I supported an ill family member led me to jump from working full-time with a side-hustle to going all-in with my business full-time. I still love the flexibility of where and how I work which has allowed me to move interstate and work from anywhere in the world and take long working holidays!

3.       Tell us about your experience of working for yourself?

I’ve been so fortunate in my business journey – I have the pleasure and honour of working with amazing brands and thought leaders who are making a difference in the world. I’ve incorporated what I’ve learned working in well-being businesses to manage not only my own well-being but encourage my clients as well.  I’ve been fortunate enough as well to travel the world and our country representing brands and selling products at trade shows and being a virtual business, had the opportunity to work and holiday at the same time.  Best of all I have the flexibility to work the hours of my choice, to set and communicate clear boundaries about my hours of work and the type of work that lights me up … I’m working less and earning more than I was as an employee.

4.       What’s your best piece of advice for someone wanting to make the leap?

I have three pieces of advice for anyone considering taking the leap to freelance or setting up a business:

  • Imperfect action is better than no action at all, so don’t wait until it’s perfect to get started.
  • Just because you can doesn’t mean you should – you don’t need to be perfect at everything you do or wear all of the hats in your business.
  • Outsource – trust experts to know what you don’t, for example, while you can do your own taxes, an accountant is an expert who could find more deductions saving you money.
5.       Best tips for winning new business?

My tips for winning new business: features sell, benefits sell. Always consider what’s in it for them and point out the benefits in a proposal.

6.      What has been your favourite project to date?

Planning, coordinating, attending and selling products and services at international trade shows in the US/Canada. I was so lucky to have this opportunity and to meet well-known people in the beauty and positive psychology spaces and was trusted to be the face of global brands.

7.       What is a business win you’re currently celebrating?

I’m currently celebrating my accountant telling me my revenue is up more than $20,000 on last year. Personally, I’m celebrating surviving and thriving both as a human and a business owner through six grueling lockdowns.

8.       What led you to join Freelancing Gems?

I initially came to Freelancing Gems sourcing freelancers for a client project and have recently included being a gem myself to find new and exciting opportunities while I unusually have capacity to take on more work.

9.       What is one word you would use to describe Freelancing Gems?


10.       What’s next for your business?

Next for RC Does It is helping new business owners and continuing to build amazing relationships with other freelancers.

Being one of the only Virtual Business Managers in Australia who also specialises in sales and customer service, her skill set is diverse and well-rounded to suit your needs. From taming your diary, emails and invoicing – to reeling in those big sales – to nurturing great relationships with your clients, Rachel is committed to providing affordable, practical and ninja-efficient support to help you grow your business, joyfully. You can connect with her on the Gem Directory. Not a member? Join now.

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