Meet Lisa-Marie, an eye-catching graphic designer and muralist

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Lisa-Marie, Graphic Designer and Muralist

Lisa-Marie, also known as Lisa Dot Design, is a Graphic Designer & Muralist living in sunny Brisbane, Australia. She has recently made the transition from working for an employer to full-time freelancing and looking to expand her portfolio.

Lisa offers a variety of services, ranging from illustration, branding design, product design, textile design, interior design, muraling and more.

She has worked as a graphic designer for more than 10 years in the corporate sector, specialising in logos, branding and stationary for businesses and NFP organisations. Most notably, Lisa has worked on designs for Shein Clothing, Red Frogs Australia, INO Projects, RBB Fitness Studio and Absolute Board Co. In the past year, she replicated her digital designs into murals and it turns out that she loved the process of seeing her designs come to life.

In her spare time Lisa-Marie creates digital art and prints designed to uplift and empower others. A career highlight for Lisa is anytime she receives a compliment from a stranger about how her artwork has encouraged them and made their day.

Let’s get to know more about her in our Q+A.

Tell us a little about yourself and your business?

Hey, I’m Lisa-Marie, founder of Lisa Dot Design. I’m a freelance graphic designer and muralist. My designs are colourfully eye-catching, bright and bold, communicating statements of empowerment and hope.

What inspired you to make the leap and go out on your own, and when did you first start working for yourself?

For about three years Lisa Dot was my side hustle, however, I was inspired to take the leap into full-time freelancing a month ago – now just feels like the right time.

Tell us about your experience of working for yourself?

So far I’ve found it so liberating, challenging yet rewarding – I’m learning hard and fast about the business side of things since going full-time.

What’s your best piece of advice for someone wanting to make the leap?

Get a good tax accountant and business mentors around you who believe in you and want to see you grow.

Best tips for winning new business?

Make friends and business connections through attending business networking events and outreaching to your world. You never know what connections you’re making now that will pay off in the future.

What has been your favourite project to date?

Creating public art murals for ArtForce Brisbane – there’s nothing like getting out in your community and sharing some positivity and hope through murals.

What is a business win you’re currently celebrating?

I’m excited to see interest and enquiries in my business pick up since going full-time – something that I just didn’t get traction with when it was a side hustle.

What led you to join Freelancing Gems?

I was after a community of like-minded women in business with opportunities to network and grow my business – and here we are!

What is one word you would use to describe Freelancing Gems?


What’s next for your business?

I’m aiming to travel this year to paint murals interstate and eventually overseas.

Lisa is passionate about working with companies that invest back into the community, support women or advocate for mental health. If you want your brand or business comes to life with eye-catching designs, Lisa-Marie is here to help you. You can connect with her on the Gem Directory. Not a member? Join now.

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