Meet Kristy, a business growth professional with expert knowledge in SME

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Kristy - Business Growth Professional

Kristy has over 20 years of corporate and SME business experience with expert knowledge, enthusiasm, and she is skilled at uncovering what you really need in your business.

Kristy’s academic and professional career has spanned specialty areas of business growth strategies, business systems, process and policy audit, development, and improvement, Human Resources Management, and Legal, Governance, and Compliance.

She has assisted organisations such as Terry Shields Toyota and Lexus of Parramatta establish their Legal, Governance, and Compliance function and systems, legal interpretation and policy development, audit and business improvement, and general management services, Filby Motors, Tait Motors, and National Capital Motors to provide policy advice, and large corporate organisations such as Transfield Services, BMC Software, AT&T, Southcorp Wines with Human Resources and Project Management expertise.

Moreover, Kristy has established and operated her own property business, and business services business, both profitable and successful for many years.

Let’s get to know Kirsty more!

Tell us a little about yourself and your business?

20+ years ago I entered the corporate world via Human Resources which enabled me to see the workplace needs and goals through the eyes of the business leaders, employees, and external parties whether unions, customers, shareholders, or the general public. This blend of stakeholders, who were all seeking and negotiating, and at times had competing needs, opened my interests in how to manage a business. Several degrees and various positions and organisations later, to support my curiosity I have navigated issues to solutions, roadblocks to opportunities, ambition to practical results, and so now I’m entering a new career chapter and want to use the skill and knowledge of large corporations and show how it can be tailored successfully to SME!

I’m also a Mum to two children, partner to an Engineer, Business Manager to my daughter’s first business an online store (ZG HEY), renovating our home in Brisbane, and I’m currently completing a Masters of Business Programme.

What inspired you to make the leap and go out on your own, and when did you first start working for yourself?

I’ve always been and had to be independent and work hard to help yourself type of person. Since having my two children over a decade ago I’ve been working for myself to provide flexibility.

Tell us about your experience of working for yourself?

A rollercoaster with no seatbelt at times! I say that because in the beginning my first business after my first child was Agility Property, a Property Buyers Agency, which was completely new and different from anything I had previously done with the exception of understanding business, and managing data, and people.  The rebranding of myself into a completely new sector, Property, and a new city, Brisbane, was extremely difficult​ and at times I think I underestimated how much time it would take and with a small child in tow. But perseverance paid off and I’m very thankful to those first clients and all whom I am still in contact with today! Fast forward a decade, a little older, a little wiser, and all the learnings, experiences, challenges and opportunities have given me greater clarity around what I want and need in this decade in Agility Business. Agility Business is very much about bringing all my strengths to the business table to help others!

What’s your best piece of advice for someone wanting to make the leap?

Inform yourself as much as possible on what’s required so your decision to start, stop, or pause is based on informed knowledge rather than assumptions, or here say of others. It will help reduce your risk, provide clarity on your why, and give you strength and conviction to back yourself.

Best tips for winning new business?

It’s a numbers game! The more market awareness to your business = more enquiries = more leads = more conversions/sales = more revenue. Knowing these numbers is essential to know your daily, weekly, and monthly targeted performance!

What has been your favourite project to date?

Gosh so many which is wonderful! But I think one of the most rewarding was partnering with a client department to improve their overall service delivery through measurable outcomes. 50% customer service lead time reduction, 60% productivity, and efficiency improvement, 20% sales increased and 20% revenue increase. The end result after 12 months of complexity was seeing the team stand up at the Annual Awards Celebration for a podium finish for the first time in 10 years! It was amazing to watch them all be delighted in what they had achieved and be recognised.

As a career highlight, it would have to be assisting a business owner of a large organisation to improve their overall business which ultimately saw them achieve a business sale price well above market and industry standards and step very comfortably into retirement.

What is a business win you’re currently celebrating?

I’m really looking forward to getting to know and helping Freelancing Gems members and their networks.

What led you to join Freelancing Gems?

We have recently returned to Brisbane after a 4-year stint in Sydney, so returning and coming across Freelancing Gems for my business was perfect timing, to be honest! I want to re-connect to my network and meet new and fellow Gems. Freelancing Gems seemed like the perfect partner!

What is one word you would use to describe Freelancing Gems?

A “Cosmopolitan” cocktail. Chic, Sophisticated, and Fun!

What’s next for your business?

To help as many businesses as humanly possible to improve, achieve and succeed!

Kristy is available for freelance, contract projects, and retainer services. You can connect with her on the Gem Directory. Not a member? Join now.

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